Obadiah Part 3

Obadiah 15-21 speaks of the coming Day of the Lord. It is described as a time where all nations, not just Edom will be judged. Obadiah goes on to describe a time where Israel (the house of Jacob) will escape and possess Mount Zion. Obadiah closes out by saying, “The deliverers will ascend Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the kingdom will be the Lord’s.

When reading through the book of Obadiah one thing that really sticks out to me is that God never forgets or abandons His people. I believe as believers we can take comfort in this. Even if we face trials and tribulation, God is still with us and for us. Even if we were to die from some form of persecution, God is still on His throne, and we will spend eternity with Him, and those who are not His will be judged. Even if we do not see justice for His people now, it is coming.

So always remember God cares for His people, and He will have the last say!

Thanks for reading,

Pastor Josh