Joel Part 3

The third chapter of Joel is broken up in two parts, the first is the judgment of the nations and the second is the blessing of Judah (and Israel). This week I am going to do something a little different and take this passage and look at it from the perspective of the believer today. This was written and prophesied to Judah (and Israel) well over two thousand years ago and applied to them in that time and in a future time, but if we look at it, I do believe it parallels the future coming of Christ and the blessing of His people (the Church) and judgment of everyone else.

In the first part of this chapter we see the judgment of nations, and that they will be defeated by God’s people and they will no longer be allowed into the land. When we read later on throughout Scripture about Christ’s second coming and the judgment coming, we see that those who are not His will be judged and sent to Hell. This means they will not be allowed into the new Jerusalem at all. This is a reality that we must come to grips with, the unbeliever will be banished from eternal life in the New Heavens and New Earth. Just a quick note here… This should drive us to share the Gospel, because we should not want anyone to perish not knowing Christ.

So the bad news is, people will be judged and go to Hell, but the good news is for God’s people. The land will be restored, there will be a new Jerusalem (and a new heaven and earth) in which the Church (God’s people) will dwell with God for all eternity. So for now we wait, we wait for the return of Christ, with the hope of eternal life in a new earth, with no more sin, sorrow, sadness, tears, or death. What a hope we have?! But until that day, let us share the Gospel promiscuously, for we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves, so let us diligently share the Good News of the Gospel, because that is the most loving thing we can do!

Keep the faith and share the faith!

Thanks for reading,

Pastor Josh